
Independence Day is Here!

You're in the mountains for the 4th now what?

Breckenridge 4th of July! Best In The Rockies

Hello all! The 4th of July is almost here and it easily has to be my favorite holiday of the year. The weather is warm, watermelon is present, the day is filled with parades, celebrations, fireworks and just brings happiness to the hearts of many Americans. Plus my birthday lies ahead at 7/11 and that also means free slushies for everyone! Anyway, onto your guide of what the best things to do in the mountains are for this upcoming July 4th in Breckenridge, CO.

Let's start with the big day; July 4th. I recommend getting an early start to the day as the 4th of July parade is Breckenridge’s best parade and that’s really saying something as this town is known for its rowdy parades. I also recommend taking a form of transportation that doesn’t require parking for a multitude of reasons. I suggest taking the bus which comes every 15/30 minutes depending on which route you’re on, take your bike and enjoy a beautiful morning with ample places to park, walk, or take an uber. The 4th of July comes with hardly any parking and moving forward through this write up I am going to recommend having a few beers and nobody should drive anywhere after a few beverages. The parade is ultra impressive and will feature local businesses, muscle cars, and you may even see a few wheelies! The parade starts at 10:00 Am and will go until about 11:30 - I recommend getting a spot on either the north or south end of town as the center can often become really congested and if you have kids, it'll be hard for them to get a good view and opportunity to grab some of that 4th of July candy. 

What I recommend doing next is really up to you but I’ll throw out some of my personal favorites! If you’re visiting with your family and are looking for something fun to do with the kiddos I recommend hanging out around the center of town. It’ll be very obvious so you can’t miss it! Options will range from tumble bubbles, to bounce castles and more. Another fun activity that the fire department takes place in is a giant water spout! A fire engine will go down-town raise it’s ladder and spray water all over the people watching! It’s a great time for kids and families alike. 

If you’re an adult that’s visiting then the day is yours! I would recommend taking a hike since the hiking trails are FINALLY starting to dry up. I would take either the Burro Trail which is located near the beginning of the Quicksilver chairlift on Breckenridge’s peak 9 or taking a walk along the river trail out to Broken Compass where you can have some delicious craft beer and grab transportation back! If you’re feeling more in the mood for a more..alcohol fueled 4th than Breckenridge’s main street will not disappoint! After the parade I would make my way over to RMU which has a fantastic beer garden in the back and features a ton of great beers and cocktails. Play some bags, enjoy the sun, and take in the special feel RMU provides. Once you’ve had your fill of drinks I would head on over to Rita’s a super cool local taco spot that brings a bit of a surf inspired feel to the mountains. In my personal opinion a little surf vibe is exactly what a 4th of July needs! I am a little biased however because I grew up along the ocean. 

The rest of your weekend! Should you be lucky enough to have Friday off should consist of being outside and enjoying all that the rocky mountains have to offer. With Zip-lining, rafting, bike tours, restaurant patios, and great beers all right out your door.. go explore! I think the zip-lining trip I would have to recommend right now is AVA Zipline Adventures - Idaho Springs Idaho springs is located only 45 minutes from Breckenridge but will offer that authentic zip experience in an old priemere mining destination. I think my bike tour pick would have to be Ridden's Fat Bike Beer Tour which leaves from the south end of town and rides on either pavement or intermediate single track out to the Broken Compass Brewery and Breckenirgde Distillery where you can see how the highest distillery in the country operates. Transportation is included for the way back and it's one of Breckenridges best experiences.

I do want to advise that rafting involves a higher risk than usual right now so pick your trips wisely and be prepared for higher than average water! Speak with a professional today to help pick your next rafting experience. Have a great 4th of July weekend everyone!

4th of July 2019

by Jared Black

4th of July 2019


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